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Traefik Proxy
Traefik is a reverse proxy and load balancer for HTTP and TCP-based applications that is easy, dynamic and full-featured.
Download example repository
git clone https://gitlab.com/chadstack.dev/examples/traefik-proxy.git
Update the next variables with your own custom values
export CHAD_DOMAIN="your-domain.com" export CHAD_TOKEN="your-cloudflare-token" export CHAD_EMAIL="your@email.com"
Update the files using the
commandcd traefik-proxy sed -i "s/example@chadstack.dev/$CHAD_EMAIL/g" env/prod.env sed -i "s/example_cf_token/$CHAD_TOKEN/g" env/prod.env sed -i "s/chadstack.dev/$CHAD_DOMAIN/g" docker-compose.prod.yml
Start the containers using make or docker compose directly
make start
Update git remote
First you need to create the project on your GitLab instance and get the clone URL
export GIT_ORIGIN_URL="https://your-gitlab-instance.com/path/to/project.git"
Update the git origin
git remote rm origin && git remote add origin $GIT_ORIGIN_URL
Commit and Push
git add .
git commit -m 'feat: update variables'
git push -u origin master